Wednesday, October 5, 2011

An Anonymous Look At JD Granger's House Improvements & Tim Love's New Woodshed Restaurant

Someone calling him or herself "Anonymous" sent me the above photo, with minimal commentary, simply saying that "Isn't it interesting how much recent improvements to JD Granger's home match the look of Tim Love's nearby new restaurant."

I am assuming what is being implied is that somehow JD did some dirty dealing that somehow got improvements made to his house in a manner nefarious.

While I do see the similarities between the two structures, I really don't think JD Granger would do something untoward of this nature.

So, I Googled for info about Tim Love's new restaurant. Previously to Googling about Tim Love's new restaurant all I knew was that it was located near the Hoffbrau Steak place on University Drive.

Well, imagine my surprise when I learned that Tim Love's new restaurant, to be called "The Woodshed", is part of the Trinity River Vision Boondoggle's plan to supposedly improve the Trinity River trails and their surroundings.

I had no idea that the Trinity River Vision Boondoggle's vision saw so far beyond the area of the little pond at the north end of downtown, the unneeded flood diversion channel, the  obliteration of Riverside Park and the upgrade of Gateway Park with the planting of thousands of Magic Flood Control Trees.

JD Granger's home is a short distance from Tim Love's new restaurant.

How does a deal like this work? I can't help but wonder. Does the Tarrant Regional Water District, which oversees the Trinity River Vision Boondoggle, sell Tim Love the land on which he has built The Woodshed?

Isn't that public land? Is public land being sold for a privately owned restaurant? Or does the Tarrant Regional Water District have a financial interest in Tim Love's restaurant?

And, what part did JD Granger play in finagling Tim Love's deal to build his new restaurant on land controlled by the Tarrant Regional Water District?

I must say, separate from all these perplexing questions, I like the look of Tim Love's new restaurant, and the upgrades to JD Granger's house.


  1. I like the exterior of Granger's house and the location. Maybe Love recommended his contractor to Granger.

    My favorite TV shows happen to be on HGTV and the DIY network so I have a bias towards curb appeal.

    And you know if I ever hit the lottery or something like that then I am going to commission Ol' Don Young for some stained glass work. Like that will ever happen.

  2. Granger has his own contractor... Gideon Toal.

  3. That's a TRWD truck in one of the Wood Shed pics. They were there mowing and installing the landscaping. J.D. has the same prairie grasses as well... although not very well watered. It looks dead. He needs to consult the Lawn Whisperer. I'm sure his neighbors are wondering if his improvements meet the association restrictions.
