Thursday, October 6, 2011

October 12 Trinity River Vision Open Discussion With J.D. Granger Minus City Of Fort Worth TRV Director

Thumbing through this week's Fort Worth Weekly this afternoon I came upon an ad that reminded me I am currently scheduled to go to Fort Worth's Botanic Garden next Wednesday.

A few minutes after seeing the ad in FW Weekly I got a call telling me that the City of Fort Worth has decided it can not participate in this public forum.

This would seem to be a City of Fort Worth attitude holdover from the repressive, non-communicative, un-open, un-democratic, Moncrief crony capitalist regime.

If I am understanding correctly, the City of Fort Worth's Trinity River Vision Director, Mark Rauscher, was forbidden from participating, once the horror that this would be an open discussion forum, with various views presented, was realized.

Because, as we all know, participating in an open public forum, by Fort Worth City Officials, is not the Fort Worth Way.

However, J.D. Granger is going to be there, presenting his vision of the Trinity River Vision.

For me, I am long over due for a drastic change of mind. I fully expect to listen to J.D. Granger explain his vision of the Trinity River Vision with the result being me jumping off the Trinity River Vision Boondoggle and on to the Trinity River Vision Bandwagon.

I previously listened to J.D. Granger give a presentation in Arlington. He was so persuasive he made me a believer in Magic Trees.


  1. Your blog triggered this visual in my mind: after hearing a persuasive presentation by Brother Granger (picture Jimmy Swaggart and his sweat soaked suit), you will leap out of your seat when JD issues an invitation for those whose views had been converted to come forward and shake his hand. Followed by a "dip" in the sacrilege intended from this Baptist. Maybe at the inner tubing spot, which surely is becoming the envy of the world.

  2. So the city, which we pay their salaries, has a TRV department which can't answer our questions??

  3. Yes, Anonymous, apparently that is the case, in Fort Worth public employees do not need to answer questions from the public.
