Friday, October 7, 2011

The 7th Morning of October Dawns Cloudy

When I stepped outside to retrieve my swimsuit this 7th morning of October I felt what seemed to be some precipitation, possibly in light mist form. I think this was some sort of delusion triggered by what looked to be a stormy sky.

The current rain prediction is for a 50% chance of wet stuff hitting the ground on this parched part of the planet, on Sunday.

Apparently there is a massive wet system to the west of us, moving in this direction.

I got a call yesterday from someone from Washington, driving in Utah, in storm mode, with heavy rain blowing horizontal with snow and ice mixed in.

Seems like only yesterday, well, actually, it was last week, I think, we were experiencing 100 degree days. And now I'm getting reports of snow.

I think I will go swimming now before it gets any later or colder or wetter.

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