Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Boos Greets News That J.D. Granger Bailed At Last Minute On Tonight's Trinity River Vision Open Discussion Forum

J.D. Granger's Empty Chair
If I remember right, I clearly verbalized the fact that J.D. Granger participating in tonight's Trinity River Vision Open Discussion Forum was my main draw to attending the TRIP event.

I had anticipated that J.D.'s well known persuasive powers might likely sway me from being a Trinity River Vision Boondoggler to being on the Trinity River Vision Bandwagon.


Minutes after my arrival at the Conservatory at the Fort Worth Botanic Garden I was pulled aside by the star of Up A Creek and informed that J.D. Granger had pulled out at the last minute. After having clearly committed to being in attendance.

As the crowd milled around outside the auditorium, waiting for the forum to begin, I heard some muttering about J.D. Granger's bad behavior, with one person saying "He's a gutless wonder."

When the forum began and it was announced that J.D. Granger was a no show, this news was greeted with a room full of loud booing.

Methinks J.D. Granger did the Trinity River Vision a disservice tonight.

I spotted several Fort Worth politicos in the crowd, including Cathy Hirt, who was sitting in front of me.

The panel was supposed to have consisted of Jim Lane, J.D. Granger (bailed), Mark Rauscher (bailed), Clyde Picht, John Basham and Steve Hollern.

FW Weekly's Gayle Reeves On Far Left, Then Jim Lane,
Clyde Picht, John Basham & Steve Hollern
All the guys who were brave enough to show up did a really good job of making their points.

I was particularly surprised to find myself really liking Jim Lane. I thought it was real interesting how Jim Lane explained how he tried to get people to participate in making the decisions that led to the Trinity River Vision, but no one showed up.

And now, all these years later, with the vision sort of coming into focus, Jim Lane found himself at a forum where a lot of people showed up who were interested in making sure this project does not become the biggest Fort Worth boondoggle ever.

I'd tell you the reason I was told that J.D. Granger bailed. But it is sort of embarrassing. I got the idea that Jim Lane was not too pleased with J.D. Granger's refusal to participate. Jim Lane seemed to indicate that when a man of honor commits to doing something, he does what he's committed himself to.


  1. I bet Betsy Price was Green with Envy that she didn't go to this shindig!

  2. How did you do that, Steve A? I hit the publish button on the blog and about 2 seconds later you made the Betsy Price comment! For all I know Betsy was in the room.

  3. According to the time stamps, the post was a full 12 minutes old before I exclaimed over Betsy. If we suppose Betsy was there, she was keeping a VERY low profile for any Mayor of Fort Worth. Mike Moncrief would have been rappelling down a building for the benefit of the Startlegram to get there.

    I think she was at home - Green With Envy. So far, I've not seen any reason to regret being a Betsy fan. Of course, she's still got a lot of time ahead to disappoint us all...

  4. Betsy was in Houston

  5. I give Jim Lane lots of credit for showing up, providing lots of information, and answering questions as best as he could given the circumstances. He seems like an honest (and brave!) guy.

  6. I am in agreeance, Gail, Jim Lane came across as a really good guy. By the way, nice to meet you tonight.

  7. Nice to meet you too, Mr. D.

  8. Well, I would have met you had you not been on the other side of the room. It was a big room.

    I am not nearly as informed on this issue as you, Gail, and many others, but what struck me last night was not the differences of opinion but the differences of fact. If we don't know the real costs, etc, how can we have an informed opinion?

    Obviously, Mr. Granger no tiene huevos. But then, why should he bother to show up? The project is approved and funded and underway, and he has nothing to gain by confronting a few naysayers who cannot stop the mighty TRV.

    The FW oligarchy is very clever at getting approval of a boondoggle before anyone figures out its boondoggleishness. (TCC, anyone?) By the time regular folks realize what's happening, the oligarchy can simply say, too late.

  9. It is funded?? How so if it's not been appropriated?
    And a TIF (which included Radio Shack- another no show) is just smoke and mirrors, that's your money too, they just don't have it yet.

    Is over a 100 more than a few?

    JD should show up because we pay his salary. And he committed to do so. It's not like it was a school board meeting...

    It's never too late.

  10. I heard J.D. Granger cancelled on the TRIP debate because he'd gotten burned at some other meeting where someone asked a question about his personal life that he didn't like being asked. I also heard J.D. was afraid he'd be asked questions about remodelling done to his house that looks like Tim Love's new Woodshed restaurant, with people insinuating that some under the table dirty dealing was done, since Tim Love's new restaurant is sort of tied to the Trinity River Vision, which J.D. Granger oversees.
