Thursday, October 13, 2011

The Blue Sky Dawn Of Day 13 Of October In Formerly Totally Parched Texas

Looking out my primary viewing portal on the world on this 13th day of October it appears a totally blue sky has returned to this formerly totally parched part of the planet.

Currently it is only 22 degrees above freezing at a relatively chilly 57. Heading to a high of around 77 today.

My pool got a shock treatment late yesterday. So, swimming is not doable this morning.

My current chronic woe of aching arm joints is being particularly achy today. I do not know if this is related to sitting too long on one spot last night at the TRIP forum that J.D. Granger bailed on.

I have a doctor's appointment in the noon time frame, up in Hurst, today. This will wreak havoc with my regular noon time walking/hiking constitutional. I need some aerobically induced endorphins to help abate my aching pains.

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