Saturday, September 17, 2011

Rain Drenches North Texas, Elsie Hotpepper Is Found, The Tandy Hills Litter Stomp Is Still Stomping

I am up late this 3rd Saturday of September, due to being up late Friday night with the Elsie Hotpepper Search Party.

I am pleased to report the missing Elsie Hotpepper has been re-located.

All I will say about Elsie's latest disappearance is it was not rain-related.

Yes. We had rain last night in these parched parts of the planet. Up to half an inch in some locations.

While the majority of us North Texans were happy to feel some wet stuff falling from the sky, it has caused some complications. Such as the complication to this morning's Tandy Hills Litter Stomp.

Don Young's rain-related message about another change to the Tandy Hills Litter Stomp...

Howdy all,

It appears we have rain! And while that's good, that's not always ideal for clean-up hikes in yesterday-dry creek-beds. The event Saturday will be more of a low-key affair now. There is plenty of trash along View Street. 

UNLESS it's raining, we will be out tidying up. Come enjoy the hills. Grab some coffee and homemade sourdough and catch yourself a mess of empty beer cans.

So, 9 AM Saturday. 
Say hello to the Hills

Today, supposedly, we have a lesser chance of rain, than we did yesterday.

Before yesterday's semi-deluge we have had a whopping 16.89 inches of rain fall on the official rain measuring station for D/FW in 2011. The non-drought average, by this time of any given year, is 25.89.

Yesterday I saw the majestic Trinity River with what looked like a fair amount of water in it, gently flowing to the Gulf of Mexico.

Today I saw a headline in the Seattle P-I which said, "Snow Expected In Mountains This Weekend; Rain Here."

Which had me wondering, during a drought, when we have had, til yesterday, months with no rain, where does the water in the Trinity River come from? There are no snow covered mountains on this part of the planet. Washington rivers flow all summer long due to the melting snowpack in the Cascade Mountains. Where does the Trinity River water come from?

It's very perplexing. I think I will go swimming in the rain-charged pool and think about the Trinity River.......

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