Friday, September 16, 2011

A BOLO Has Been Issued For The Missing Elsie Hotpepper

Elsie Hotpepper Mugshot
I had no other option but to issue a BOLO (Be On Look Out) for Elsie Hotpepper.

Because Elsie Hotpepper has gone missing again.

Yesterday Elsie Hotpepper asked me if I'd go with her to the new In-N-Out Burger joint on West 7th, in Fort Worth, today. Elsie has never had a Double-Double burger from In-N-Out.

Elsie thinks the product of the locally infamous Kincaid's is a good burger. I told Elsie, in my opinion, that whole Kincaid's is a good burger thing is a local Emperor Has No Clothes type deal. In my humble opinion.

I was back here, from an earlier jaunt to the Village Creek Natural Historic Area and Pantego by an hour past noon. I got myself attired in Elsie Hotpepper approved attire and eagerly awaited the call that told me to exit my security perimeter to meet up with Elsie Hotpepper in the Peppermobile.

No call came.

Calls to Elsie Hotpepper's phone go to voice mail. Email goes unanswered.

Since Elsie Hotpepper is a self-employed freelancer there is no place of employment or boss I can call to check on the Hotpepper's welfare.

It is very perplexing and I am very worried.

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