Sunday, September 11, 2011

On Top Of Mount Tandy Thinking About Waving A Flag On 9/11 & Missing Camaflouged Canisters

In the picture you are standing on top of Mount Tandy, around noon, on 9/11, looking past some dying trees at the semi-stunning skyline of beautiful downtown Fort Worth.

I am really enjoying the more tolerable temperatures of late making the Tandy Hills hill hiking a lot more pleasant.

Upon arrival at the top of Mount Tandy today I was fiddling with something under my hood when a pair of humans exited the hill zone, howdying me and inquiring if I required assistance. Since I did not require assistance I indicated I did not.

On my way to the Tandy Hills I saw a few American flags waving, but not nearly the number that I saw waving 10 years ago and the weeks that followed that awful day.

The most memorable flag waving I saw in the days that followed the 9/11 of ten years ago was in the parking lot of the McDonald's that you go by when you exit I-30 to head to Six Flags in Arlington. A guy was standing on the bed of his pickup, waving a big flag stuck on a long pole, back and forth.

An hour later I drove by the same spot and the same guy was still waving the same flag. This was not a young guy so fervently waving that flag.

The only mystery I came across on the Tandy Hills today is that 24 hours after showing up, the sinister looking camouflaged canister has disappeared from inside the Giant Tandy Tire. I suspect foul play of some sort.

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