Friday, September 2, 2011

On The Tandy Hills While Texas Withers Among Other Things

It is in the 3 in the afternoon time frame and we have not yet gone over 100 in my zone of North Texas.

It was 92 when I hit the Tandy Hills around noon. Today a good wind made clear what had been missing that had rendered the hills too hot at noon.

In the picture you can see a line of trees with dead leaves on the ridge at the top of the hill.

If water ever again falls in these parched parts it will interesting to watch how the Tandy Hills comes back from its, hopefully, near death experience.

I saw no wildlife today on the hills, including no sighting of the Tandy Hills Roadrunner.

Speaking of the Tandy Hills Roadrunner, I got an email a short time ago from the Roadrunner Whisperer, Don Young, with a link to an interesting article in Mother Jones titled "As Texas Withers, Gas Industry Guzzles."

In the Mother Jones article the part of Texas withering while the gas industry guzzles is Fort Worth. The Roadrunner Whisperer helped guide Mother Jones through the Fort Worth Morass.

Changing the subject from Fort Worth Morasses to other morasses.

I think I may have inadvertently sparked a budding romance between CatsPaw and Gar the Nerd, formerly known as Gar the Texan. I'll keep you posted on how that goes.

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