Thursday, September 1, 2011

No Fosdic Lake Fish Seem To Be Dying From Too Much Heat And Too Little Oxygen

I opted for walking around Fosdic Lake in Oakland Lake Park in the late afternoon today, rather than hike the hills of Tandy, because I did not realize it was so windy or that the temperature, though HOT, was rendered pleasant by the wind.

The Fosdic Fosducks seemed to be enjoying the breeze and were in floating flotilla mode today, rather than hovering under shoreline shade.

The Fosdic Turtles also seemed to be enjoying being out on their logs. Of late I had been concerned as to where all the Fosdic turtles had gone. But today I saw at least a dozen.

What perplexed me today about Fosdic Lake was wondering why I saw no dead fish. No water is flowing into Fosdic Lake. The lake is evaporating. The lake's oxygen level must be plummeting.

Over 140,000 fish have died in Lake Grapevine. With the explanation for this being that that big lake's oxygen level it too low for fish to survive. And that this low oxygen level was caused by too much HEAT.

That same HEAT heats up Fosdic Lake and all the other lakes in the Prairies & Lakes Region of Texas.

So, why no dead Fosdic Fish?

It is very perplexing. Methinks there is something fishy about the Lake Grapevine dead fish. And the explanation as to what has caused their demise.

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