Thursday, September 1, 2011

My New Chesapeake Neighbor's Tower Is Already Towering Over My Neighborhood

Driving through the Albertsons parking lot, on my way back to my abode, after walking with the Fosdic Lake ducks and turtles, I was surprised to see the drilling tower for my new Chesapeake Energy neighbor has already been erected.

On August 6 the hearing took place where apparently Chesapeake Energy was given the go ahead for this particular hole poke into the Barnett Shale.

Site preparation was underway before August 6 and seemed to go into overdrive after that date.

If one got a permit to build a house on a chunk of property one could not get construction underway at warp speed like this operation.

It is sort of impressive.

If one was building a house, at each stage of the construction you have to pass an inspection.

Does the City of Fort Worth send out some type of inspector to make sure Chesapeake Energy and the other drillers are kosher with their drill pad site building?

I suspect not.

And that seems really wrong.

A few weeks ago I realized I never hear from Chesapeake Energy shills anymore whenever I mention Chesapeake Energy on my blog. It used to be that within a very short time of mentioning Chesapeake Energy I'd see Oklahoma City, Chesapeake's corporate headquarters town, light up on my blog FeedJit stats.

That no longer happens.

Today I realized why I don't hear from Chesapeake's propaganda shills anymore.

Chesapeake Energy won the war.

The resistance failed.

There no longer is any need for Chesapeake to spew propaganda via shills.

In the post-war period Chesapeake Energy can put a gas drilling site pad pretty much anywhere they want. Next door to an apartment complex, across the street from a grocery story and restaurant, next to a busy freeway. Pretty much anywhere.

1 comment:

  1. They are still spewing shill, they just do it on TV now...they have a new commercial about how they are looking out for our water...underground...down there next to Hell
