Friday, August 12, 2011

Walking With My Mom Around Fosdic Lake While My Nephew David Goes Boating

Today I talked to my mom during my noonday constitutional walk around Fosdic Lake in Oakland Lake Park.

No. That is not a kid in a boat on Fosdic Lake in the picture.

Boats are banned on Fosdic Lake. I assume because the caustic chemicals in that hazardous brew might eat a hole in a boat.

I talked to my mom the entire time I was walking, so my camera never left my pocket to take a photo documenting today's walk with the Fosducks around Fosdic Lake.

The lake in the picture is in my sister in Chandler, Arizona's backyard. That is my nephew, David, boating under the waterfall.

It seems a sad thing that a kid in Arizona can go boating in a backyard lake, while kids in Fort Worth have no public pools to swim in when it is very very HOT. And the town's lakes have signs warning that swimming and boating is not allowed.

It is currently over 100 degrees, again, according to my Weather Underground source. 100.9 to be precise.

I am starting to grow a bit tired of always being so HOT.

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