Friday, August 12, 2011

North Texas Days In A Row Of 100 Or Higher Ends At 40

You are not looking past the bars of my patio prison cell at the dawn of 42 Days in a Row of 100 Degrees or more in North Texas.

The official temperature measuring station at D/FW Airport did not go over 100 yesterday.

Which seems odd to me, due to the fact that yesterday, when I went walking in the shaded jungle of Village Creek, I thought it was the HOTTEST day yet. I'm guessing it must have been very very humid, thus feeling very very HOT.

Officially, the recorder had the temperature climbing to 96 by 3 in the afternoon, yesterday. Then dipping to a chilly 84, then bouncing back to 97. I did experience the odd drop in temperature around 3. I think I mentioned that yesterday. I did see some of what appeared to be thunderclouds.

But I heard no thunder. Apparently locations as close as downtown Fort Worth did hear the clap of thunder and felt a few minutes of rare rain dropping.

So, the record of 42 Days in a Row of 100 or higher, set in 1980 remains. 2011's total of 47 triple digit days is in 4th place. The record number of 100 degree days was also set in super HOT 1980, at 69.

We are scheduled to start being heated to 100 again on Saturday, with 100 degree days into the foreseeable future. I suspect we may still break a 1980 record, this year of 2011.

In the meantime I am going swimming.