Tuesday, August 2, 2011

The Texas HEAT Has Driven Me From The Tandy Hills

Almost 109 in the 3 in the afternoon time frame on this sweltering 2nd day of July.

I suspect a temperature record will be set again today.

I was not able to go swimming today.

With no wind blowing, and even though the humidity had dropped, I decided not to subject my aged self to my usual daily salubrious HEAT stress.

I can not remember the last time a day has gone this far past midnight with me having had no aerobically induced endorphins sedating my pain. It sort of makes me sleepy. I am drinking coffee, right now, something I rarely do, except early in the morning, hoping the coffee caffeine stimulates me out of this extreme doldrum that has me thinking this must be how people feel when they decide to take a nap in the middle of the day.

Changing the subject from the Texas temperature to my nomadic mom and dad. A couple hours ago I heard from my Tacoma sister that mom and dad have left Tacoma and the company of Blue, Max, David, Theo and Ruby to head North to see Spencer Jack and then East to see my favorite auntie and then back to Arizona.

I imagine mom and dad have been shivering bad up in Washington. Right now it is only 69.8 in Tacoma. That is 10.2 degrees chillier than my interior space and 38.8 degrees chillier than my exterior space.

I'm shivering just thinking about being up in Washington right now.

1 comment:

  1. I'm drinking coffee, too. Inside the AC Starbucks. The bike ride home was hotter than usual, today.
