Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Is It Time To Escape The Texas Heat By Heading North For Mom & Dad's 60th Wedding Anniversary Party?

I was fairly certain my mom and dad were currently up in Washington. I have been unable to reach them when I get gas and call to tell them how much it cost. And how HOT it is.

Currently it is over an hour til noon and we are already over 100 at 102.2, with the Wind Chill Factor and low humidity making it feel like 101.

I learned this morning, via the poodles, Blue and Max, that they are currently playing with my mom and dad.

In the picture that is my mom and dad, in Tacoma, with either Blue or Max sitting next to mom.

In 4 days, on August 6, it will be mom and dad's 60th Wedding Anniversary. I was in Tacoma with mom and dad for their 57th Wedding Anniversary.

I have never known why mom and dad chose to get married on the same day a bad bomb was dropped on Hiroshima, 6 years prior to their nuptials.

I believe it was 10 years ago tomorrow that I took off, solo, from Fort Worth, on one of my funnest Roadtrips ever, heading to Washington for mom and dad's 50th Anniversary Party, which was taking place 5 days after their anniversary, on Saturday, August 11.

No one but my two oldest nephews knew I was coming home for the Anniversary Party.

I have not been informed of any 60th Anniversary Party. Currently there are multiple issues between my sisters, of which I have little understanding, except for the fact that, near as I can tell, they emanate from one source. That one source has also been having problems with my mom. And me. You may be able to deduce from this limited information that one of my siblings is a bit of a problem child.

I suspect there will be a small 60th Anniversary Party at my sister's house in Tacoma. I suspect I will not be there. I remember mom and dad's 40th, 20 years ago, as if it were yesterday. That party took place out on Samish Island. The party place on Samish Island no longer exists. Yet one more thing lost to the passage of time.


  1. People must tell you how much you look like your dad.

    I would encourage you to make a trip to see your parents during their 60th anniversary year when they go home. Having lost my mom on Christmas Day 2008 after a quick downward spiral of just three weeks, not only does time move too fast but it waits for no one. I'm glad that I was able to be there with her at the end but there were so many times over the years that I wish I had gone but couldn't for some reason ... work, money, scheduling ... Don't wait 'til there's a crisis. They have fascinating temperatures in Arizona, too.
