Sunday, August 21, 2011

Shrinking Fosdic Lake Revealing Previously Hidden Secrets

I remember some time in the recent past when water was cut off to the Trinity River, as it flowed through Fort Worth. I assume this was for some maintenance thing.

When the Trinity River went dry it revealed a secret. Stolen vehicles that had been sunk in the river.

I was reminded of this today whilst walking around Fosdic Lake in Oakland Lake Park.

The volume of water in Fosdic Lake continues to recede, revealing heretofore unseen beaches, mudflats, litter. And today a previously submerged shopping cart.

Fosdic Lake is quite a distance from the nearest store where one might purloin a shopping cart.

The newly revealed shopping cart was at lake edge, midway across Fosdic Dam.

I wonder what other treasures will be showing up as the water in Fosdic Lake grows shallower and shallower?

Cars? Missing persons? Chemically contaminated mud?

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