Sunday, August 21, 2011

Another Sunny Sunday In Texas With More Record Breaking Temperatures

Looking through the bars of my patio prison cell at a glowing blue swimming pool on the August 21 Sunday dawn of yet one more HOT morning in Texas.

Currently the outer world is being heated to 84.5 degrees in my location.

Yesterday set yet one more temperature record, with August 20 being the hottest ever, at 107 degrees, as measured at the official measuring station at D/FW Airport.

The overnight lows have been being record breaking highs. This has resulted in an average 2011 summer temperature of 83.8, averaging the highs and lows, thus far, this summer.

The average of 83.8, so far, makes the summer of 2011 the HOTTEST summer ever recorded in the D/FW zone.

Which makes it the HOTTEST summer I have ever lived through. By far.

Which has me thinking it is time to go cool off in the pool.

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