Thursday, August 4, 2011

Leaving Texas To Be David, Theo & Ruby's Uncle

Is that not a cute picture? That is my nephew, Theo John, on the left, I think, with my niece, Ruby Jean, on the right.

This picture was taken when the twins were 17 days old. Their mom, my sister, sent me a link to a bunch of pictures this afternoon.

The twins, nephew David and their moms had the good luck to have a really good photographer as a neighbor.

David is not yet 3 years old, but he's already going to school. Something called Montessori, I think. My Arizona sister yesterday told me that when something good happens at school that David calls to tell her about it.

I thought my playing the uncle role to little kids years were far behind me. I'm thinking I really need to move back to Washington. David, Theo and Ruby need an uncle.


  1. I think that would be a most lovely idea. I would love to have someone to visit in Washington.

  2. CT2---I'd love to have someone lovely come visit me in Washington.
