Thursday, August 4, 2011

Elsie Hotpepper & I Are Not Going To Thursday's Central Market Concert Because It Is Too HOT In Texas

Well, it's a good thing I looked at this week's Fort Worth Weekly this afternoon.

In an hour or two I had planned on taking off from here and heading west to Elsie Hotpepper's cool new condo in the Montgomery Plaza building on 7th Street.

Speaking of 7th Street. That street is the subject of this week's featured story in FW Weekly, "The Sizzle on 7th."

Pardon me for digressing. I fear digressing may be a heat related ailment.

Anyway, I was saying I'd planned on going to Elsie Hotpepper's cool new condo, when I saw an ad in FW Weekly which caused a plan change.

Elsie and I had planned on going to Central Market for the Thursday Concert on the patio to hear TNL.

I have no idea who or what TNL is. Except for the obvious, that being that TNL must produce some sort of music.

"TNL HAS BEEN CANCELLED", as you can see in the ad (someone needs to tell FW Weekly that there is only one 'l' in canceled).

According to the notice in FW Weekly, TNL has been "cancelled this week due to the ever-loving solar gods radiating intolerable and, quite frankly, obnoxious heat in Fort Worth."

Apparently Central Market has received a cooler forecast for next Thursday, 8/11, when DIRTY POOL is providing the music.

Next Thursday will also be the 2nd Thursday of the month, which means it is a Rockin' the River Inner Tube Happy Hour Float Day on the Trinity River.

It would seem a band called DIRTY POOL would be real appropo for Rockin' the Dirty River.

Is Central Market still doing Burger n' Bock on Saturdays? I've gone to Burger n' Bock once. I enjoyed it. Particularly the Burger. The Bock, not so much.


  1. Dang, with all this running and biking I've been doing lately...I'm thinking I could go for a good burger! What exactly is Bock?

  2. CT2---Bock is another name for that fermented beverage that your old boy friend, who calls himself Gar the Texan, is addicted to.
