Saturday, August 6, 2011

I Hope Mom & Dad Are Having A Happy 60th Anniversary Day

 I think I may have already mentioned that today is my mom and dad's 60th Wedding Anniversary.

Soon after getting married my dad was sent to Germany. This was during the Korean War.

If I remember right, while my dad was in Europe my mom lived and worked in Seattle.

When my dad returned to America his re-entry point was New York City. My mom was there to meet him.

I don't know if I've ever asked how it was my mom got to New York City. I do know from New York City my mom and dad somehow acquired a car and proceeded to drive across America.

Mom and dad's roadtrip across America occurred before the Interstate freeways were built.

I have seen my mom and dad's box of mementos from this trip. In that box are things like the ticket to ride the elevator to the observation deck of the Empire State Building. Motel receipts for $2 a night. That's the only two things I can remember.

Mom and dad took many roadtrips over the years. Eventually they would take their kids on long roadtrips, something which instilled in their oldest, me, the love of a good roadtrip.

The last good roadtrip I have been on was driving myself, solo, from Texas to Washington for mom and dad's 50th Anniversary Party. Below is a picture of mom and dad opening gifts at that party on August 11, 2001, precisely one month before disaster struck America.

When mom and dad retired my sisters took them on a cruise. When mom and dad got back from the cruise they took off on something they'd long planned on doing. That being once more driving across America. This time in a RV.

I forget how long mom and dad's retirement roadtrip lasted. I do remember being down in Las Vegas over Thanksgiving, staying at Treasure Island, and mom and dad showing up. My mom had a big box of Christmas presents she insisted would be no problem for me to smuggle onboard a plane.

Almost 10 years ago I made a website that had a lot of old family photos. Among other things. I'd not looked at those in a long time. In a folder I called "Pre-Kids" I found several pictures of mom and dad, pre-kids. I believe the desert picture is in Death Valley, taken on their drive across America that started in New York City.

I am not sure where the ocean pictures were taken. Atlantic or Pacific. I assume the ocean pictures were taken on mom and dad's roadtrip across America because in the ocean picture my dad appears to be wearing the shirt my mom is wearing in the Death Valley picture.

I do not know if mom and dad have returned to Arizona from their most recent roadtrip across America, that being driving from Arizona to Washington and back. I will call later and see if I can find them.


  1. I love a good road trip. I may even love a bad road trip.

    Pictures of pre-kid parents are interesting to me precisely because it shows them as people to whom the label "parent" has not yet become affixed. We have some pictures of my mom on a trip to Cuba ... from the days when people dressed up to fly on a plane. What a babe she was.

    When you get hold of them, be sure to tell your parents that some of the invisapeeps on the internet also wish them a happy anniversary.

  2. Tell your parents "Happy Anniversary" from Betty Jo!!

  3. By coincidence, my wife and I celebrated our 28th anniversary today.

  4. Happy Anniversary Mr. and Mrs. Don Young.
