Saturday, August 6, 2011

August 6: The Day Hiroshima Exploded And My Mom & Dad Got Married 60 Years Ago

Looking through the bars of my patio prison cell at a glowing blue pool on the morning of the first Saturday of August, Day 6.

An A-bomb boomed over Hiroshima on this day in 1945, followed 6 years later by my mom and dad getting married.

Happy 60th Anniversary to my mom and dad. Whereabouts currently unknown.

We are starting to see some positive effects from the record breaking HEAT scorching North Texas. Mosquitoes do not do well with HOT dry air. Fire ants burrow deep to avoid being baked to death.

Today will be Day 36 in a Row of 100 degrees or higher. The official temperature recording station at Dallas/Fort Worth Airport has measured record breaking temperature for the past 5 days.

It is currently 84.1 according to my temperature measuring station, heading to a predicted high of 106 today. Meanwhile up at my old home zone of the Skagit Valley it is currently 55.3 heading to a scorching high of 70.

It is now that time of the day when I go swimming in that blue oasis, currently heated hotter than 84.1.

1 comment:

  1. Gee, with only two entries yesterday, I was sure you'd be here this morning taking credit for either starting the grass fire at I-30 and Oakland or putting it out like a good scout. Hmmm ...

    Today is my brother's birthday. Tomorrow would be my dad's birthday. We always joked that my brother (the only boy amidst three girls) was his early birthday present. It was often the summer vacation week that our family went to the lake or on a camping road trip.

    It's pretty great that your folks are off gallivanting around the country.
