Saturday, August 27, 2011

The HOT Thrill Of Walking The New Road Down Mount Tandy Before Finding Strawberry/Rhubarb Yogurt At Town Talk

It was not 100 degrees or higher when I left my air-conditioned abode for my daily mid-day constitutional, so I decided to go to the Tandy Hills, which I've said I would not subject myself to, for the most part, until the temperatures become more reasonable.

It has been several weeks since I've been to the top of Mount Tandy. Upon arrival I could see that there had been some vehicular traffic on the road/trail that runs down Tandy Mountain to the Tandy Highway.

Well, imagine my easily surprised surprise when I saw that a new road has been forked off the road/trail down Mount Tandy.

The new road/trail leaves the Main Mount Tandy road/trail near the top and heads south, eventually joining the existing trail prior to it reaching the Tandy Highway.

The two creek crossings have been made passable, again. Other than that I did not see many results of this new activity on the Tandy Hills.

I sort of like the new way down Mount Tandy.

I was not on the hills too long before it was time to head to Town Talk where I had an adventure with a German lady involving trying to release cases of strawberry/rhubarb yogurt from the boxes of yogurt piled on top of the flavor we sought.

Town Talk was very busy today. I think all the positive word of mouth and the advertising, of late, in FW Weekly, may be bringing in new shoppers.

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