Monday, August 1, 2011

The First Day Of August Will Be Day 31 In A Row Over 100 Degrees In North Texas

As you can see via the existence of a Shadow of the Bald Thin Man I am up well before the sun this first day of August.

Monday is already heated to 86.1, heading to a scheduled high of 106 on Day 31 in a Row of 100 degrees or more.

This morning, at my former location in the Skagit Valley of Washington, the natural air conditioning is chilling the Puget Sound zone to 47.4.

My interior A/C just cycled on, cooling me to 80.

Yesterday I blogged about seeing an old lady in pink and a gloved jogger.

Someone calling him or herself Anonymous commented about the gloved jogger....

Yes, the gloved hands do look odd. You aren't old enough, yet- but treatment for skin cancer (basal or squamous) or post- forever treatment requires covering up the affected areas. Hence, his long sleeved shirt too. Men, particularly seem to get these conditions on the hands, forearms, balding heads and chests. He probably used to do exactly what you are doing now, outdoors, with no protection.

Why would the gloved jogger go jogging in the High Noon HEAT if everything needed to be covered due to cancer? How does Anonymous know how old I am? How does Anonymous know whether or not I slather SPF 50 sunscreen all over my exposed parts, including my bald head?

I think I shall go swimming now and do some Anonymous pondering. Without sunscreen.

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