Sunday, July 31, 2011

Fort Worth's Forward Thrust Turning Fosdic Lake Into A Boondoggle-Free Recreational Lake

As you can see, Fort Worth's Fosdic Lake was looking particularly scenic on this last Sunday of July. Dead calm had the lake turned into a giant mirror.

In the picture you are standing on Fosdic Dam, looking south.

I think I have mentioned previously my disgusted disdain regarding the fact that Fort Worth has no public swimming pools open during this HOT time.

I've mentioned before that I thought Fort Worth should use eminent domain, in a non-abusive way, for once, to take Burger's Lake and turn it into a free to the public swimming hole.

Or turn Fosdic Lake into a big swimming hole, giving kid's free bus passes to get to an actual town lake.

There are at least three water inputs running into Fosdic Lake. I'm sure diversion channels could easily divert that water, running it to the Trinity River, without running it into Fosdic Lake.

Some in Fort Worth are really big on building un-needed diversion channels for things like the Trinity River Vision Boondoggle.

The Fosdic Lake diversion channels would actually have a legitimate purpose. And probably would cost a fraction of the cost of the TRV Boondoggle's unneeded flood diversion channel.

Once the dirty water is stopped from flowing into Fosdic Lake, the lake could be drained, a new lake bottom installed, with aerating fountains.

Then re-fill Fosdic Lake with nice clean processed water. Really, how much could this cost? Likely way less than building new swimming pools.

I believe Fort Worth is the biggest city in America without public swimming pools. Or clean lakes. With beaches.

Turning Fosdic Lake into a recreational lake could be the start of a real Fort Worth Forward Thrust, with a solid chance of not becoming the latest Fort Worth Boondoggle.

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