Saturday, July 30, 2011

Will The Last Saturday Of July Be Day 29 In A Row 100 Degrees Or Hotter In North Texas?

Looking out my primary viewing portal on the last Saturday of July at a clear blue sky it would appear that Tropical Storm Don has passed us by.

Despite the prediction that we would not hit 100 yesterday, at the official temperature monitoring station for this zone, at D/FW Airport, we did hit 100, making Friday Day 28 in a row of 100 degrees or more.

The prediction for today is only 99. But, if we do hit 100, or more, I believe that would make today's Day 29 in a row the 2nd longest streak of 100 degree days in North Texas history.

Meanwhile, up in Washington, Betty Jo Bouvier reports that yesterday it got to 80 and she almost sweltered to a full swoon whilst working in her garden. This morning Betty Jo is being chilled to 53.5, while here in North Texas we are being chilled to 79.4.

Changing the subject from the HEAT to lunch, I am making pizza from scratch today. Carlotta Camano gave me the step by step directions as to how to do so. I believe the pizza dough will be the only step which may present me with some measure of difficulty.

Before I make pizza I am going swimming and then later will likely do some hill hiking, followed by Town Talk. Then pizza assembly.


  1. D,
    I said it was 'nearly 80' in my corner of Washington on Friday. It is cool and a bit foggy this morning, but it will be a lovely day in the northwest without any cockroaches.

  2. Betty Jo, I can mail you some cockroaches for your garden if you want some.

  3. D,
    You are so generous. Thanks, but no thanks.

  4. Betty Jo, it is no trouble at all. I'll mail you a box of the little darlings. Your cat will have fun playing with them. Mine are German cockroaches, not those big crunchy type ones. German cockroaches have no crunch. They sort of squish. They are fast breeders, so when you open your package there will likely be a lot of roach babies. They are very cute.

  5. When we moved from New Orleans back to Seattle, quite a few cockroaches came along in the moving van. All were dead when things got unpacked. Unless you include a little heater with the cockroaches, Betty Jo will receive cockroach corpses. The little buggers just don't do well up in the Pacific Northwest, west of the Cascades. Rattlesnakes also don't like the cold and wet. Maybe that's why they don't eat catfish up there, though I'm a lot fuzzier on that.
