Saturday, July 30, 2011

So Far We Have Not Reached 100 This Saturday In Texas While I Try To Figure Out How To Mail Betty Jo & Carlotta Some Pet Cockroaches

Coming up on 4 this Saturday afternoon it is looking like the 100 Degrees or more streak may come to an end today, what with it only 98.3 right now.

However, the clouds you see in the picture, taken around noon, have mostly disappeared. Without that cloud cover missing that HOT orb may be able to raise the temperature another 1.7 degrees and thus make this current HOT streak the 2nd longest HOT streak in North Texas history.

When I hit the Tandy Hills a bit earlier than the norm it was windy. The temperature was in the high 80s. The occasional blocking of the sun by the big white puffy things, was a nice relief, however it is very very humid. I assume the amped up humidity is courtesy of the remains of Tropical Storm Don. As are the big white puffy things.

Changing the subject from the Texas Temperature to cockroaches. This morning I exchanged emails with Betty Jo Bouvier and Carlotta Camano, neither of whom had personally met a cockroach of the insect kind.

I offered to mail Betty Jo and Carlotta some cockroaches so they could start up their own cockroach colony.

When Steve A learned of the plan to ship some cockroaches to Washington he advised me that I would need to supply a heat source if the roaches were to survive their trip to the Pacific Northwest. I assume Steve A assumed the cockroaches would be flying north and would get cold in the cargo hold.

Steve A also mentioned that cockroaches do not do well with cold and wet. I guess this explains why I never saw a cockroach til I moved to Texas. We have a lot of HOT and DRY in Texas, not all that much cold and wet.

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