Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Taking It Easy In The Shady Jungle Of Village Creek Natural Historic Area Thinking About Mike Moncrief's Legacy Of Greed & Deception

Today is my therapist prescribed Day of Taking it Easy. Days of Taking it Easy are timed to coincide with when my pool is being treated and not swimmable.

I decided to escape confinement by going to the Village Creek Natural Historic Area, again, to be one, again, with the spirits of all the Indians who were murdered here.

That and enjoy a nice walk in a shaded jungle of green, blocked from the blistering rays of the relentless sun which is currently in heavy duty wilting mode.

With no incoming rain it will not be long before North Texas turns from its nice shade of green to a pleasant shade of brown. Brown is my favorite color, so I am okay with seeing brown everywhere I go.

I just a long email from Don Young with the subject being "Mike Moncrief's Legacy of Greed & Deception." I wonder if now that Fort Worth is finally rid of its corrupt mayor if the FBI, currently busy in Dallas, might turn some federal racketeering attention on Fort Worth?

I suspect not.

Instead of worrying about Fort Worth racketeering, I am going to have lunch now.

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