Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Firearms And Hitting Golf Balls Are PROHIBITED In Arlington's Village Creek Natural Area

I am a fan of spotting what seems to me to be goofy verbiage on signs. Or in ads.

I do not know how I missed this particular verbiage on the sign I walk by every time I walk into the Village Creek Natural Historic Area in Arlington.

There are many things listed on the sign "For the Enjoyment of all Visitors," asking those visitors to "Please Observe these Park Rules."

Among the rules one is asked to observe is "Firearms and hitting golf balls are PROHIBITED."

I have never seen firearms and hitting golf balls linked together like this. I guess both potentially endanger park visitors with fast moving projectiles.

The sign does not prohibit fireworks. I heard no firecrackers cracking during our recent 4th of July in Texas. But today I saw a little unexploded, fuse still intact, firecracker, laying on the Village Creek Natural Historic Area ground.

Note the signage that includes the warning about firearms and hitting golf balls makes no mention of Village Creek being an Historic Area. I don't know why some of the Village Creek signs omit that, whilst others add that it is a Historic area.

Is there a park within easy driving distance from my location where I am not prohibited from having fun with my firearms while hitting golf balls? Preferably a natural, historic area.

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