Sunday, July 10, 2011

Sunday Walking With The Ghosts & Cicadas Along Village Creek In Arlington

I was not in the mood to get superheated today via my daily aerobic endorphin stimulating activity. That means no Tandy Hills.

So, I decided to go to Village Creek Natural Historic Area to walk in the shade among the ghosts of the many Indians murdered in this location, a location which was once one of the biggest Indian villages in America.

Til the Texans came to town and used a primitive version of eminent domain abuse to evict the land's rightful owners.

I saw the bird you see in the picture, intensely scouting for fish in Village Creek, below the spillway of the first dam/bridge across the creek.

Is this bird a Blue Egret? It looks like an Egret. But I have only seen White Egrets. This bird was not at all skittish. He or she did not seem at all bothered by me being there.

The cicadas seem to be being particularly noisy this year. I am hearing them right now, in the trees I see through my computer room window.

The cicadas have been being very noisy on the Tandy Hills, of late. I don't recollect such a loud cicada cacophony on the Tandy Hills in years past. .

In years past I have heard the cicadas make a racket with their mating rituals at Veterans Park.

And in the  Village Creek Natural Historic Area.

Today the Village Creek cicada population was being particularly busy. That is a cicada corpse in the picture. I saw several cicada corpses today. A cicada is a very big bug.


  1. Your bird friend is a yellow-crowned night heron. (I thought it was a heron ... but wasn't sure what kind until I went looking.) He fishes at night, too.

  2. Thanks for the bird ID, CP. It was a pretty bird with big eyes.
