Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Riding The New Texas Giant Wooden Roller Coaster In Six Flags Over Texas

In the picture you are looking at the newly re-built Texas Giant Wooden Roller Coaster in Six Flags Over Texas, right before the coaster drops down what is now the world's steepest wooden roller coaster drop.

Since I have been in Texas I have only been to Six Flags three times. When I moved here I assumed I'd get a season pass and visit frequently.

This assumption was based on assuming that Six Flags was as fun as Disneyland, with Disneyland being a theme park I've visited many many times.

I was not long into my first visit to Six Flags when I realized it was not quite the Disneyland type experience.

Disneyland is immaculate. Six Flags is a bit messy. Litter floating in waterways. Broken down TVs overhead when waiting in line. This may have been all fixed by now. The last time I've been to Six Flags was the year the Titan Hypercoaster opened. I've no idea how many years ago that was.

I did not like the Texas Giant Wooden Roller Coaster in its original form. It was a bone jarring, neck jerking, back aching, bumpy ride. With very uncomfortable seats. The new version appears to be a HUGE improvement.

You can take a virtual ride on the Texas Giant Wooden Roller Coaster via the YouTube video below....

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