Tuesday, July 5, 2011

The Morning After A Very Quiet 4th Of July In Texas

I am up early this 5th day of July, looking through the bars of my patio prison cell at a glowing hot tub and a blue oasis.

It is already semi-HOT this morning. 80 degree. Heading to a predicted high of 103, with the humidity making it feel like it is 106.

Thunderstorms are on the menu for today.

I made it through the 4th of July in Texas without seeing a single firework light up the sky or the crack of even one firecracker.

Sometime in the late afternoon of the 4th I did see and hear a loud flyover of several military jets in formation. I assume this was part of one or more of the D/FW Metroplex's 4th of July celebrations. Maybe they were heading towards the Fort Worth Stockyards to fly over Willie's 4th of July Picnic.

The sun has now lit up the outdoors enough to enable me to find my way to the swimming pool. Which is where I am going right now.

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