Thursday, July 7, 2011

Hot Hill Hopping With Elsie Hotpepper On The Sultry Tandy Hills

It is almost 4 in the afternoon of the first Thursday of July. As you can see it is currently 100 degrees with a real feel of 105.

There is not much of a refreshing breeze blowing.

So, I think it is an excellent time of the day, with perfect conditions, to go do some HOT hill hiking on the Tandy Hills.

Due to the sobering fact that Elsie Hotpepper is rapidly approaching the significant birthday where one leaves their Roaring 20s behind and enters the Depressing 30s, Elsie has decided to start taking better care of herself.

So, Elsie Hotpepper is going to go do some HOT hill hopping with me today. I think it may be too soon after giving up her multiple vices for Elsie to try something this strenuous. Time will tell.

I have been sworn to a no Elsie pictures pledge, so don't go expecting to be seeing some Ultra Hot Hotpepper Hill pics later today. I never risk raising the ire of Elsie Hotpepper, so there will be no shutterbugging aimed in the Hotpepper's direction.

I need to get out of here. I have a meeting on the hills in about 20 minutes. I can not be late.

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