Thursday, July 7, 2011

Elsie Hotpepper Bails On Hopping The Tandy Hills While Carlotta Camano Flips Out

I got to the Tandy Hills HOT Meatgrinder a few minutes after 4.

Do the hills look HOT in the picture?

I'd barely parked when my phone rang and I saw it was incoming from that chronic excuse maker, Elsie Hotpepper.

Like I said earlier, I was expecting Elsie to do some Hot Hill Hopping with me today as part of her ongoing effort to get herself in better shape as she prepares to leave her Roaring 20's and enter the Great Depression of the 30s.

Elsie called to say she was not going to make it to the hills, due to an accident. What a shock. Elsie claimed that when she backed up to leave her location she allegedly backed into a pole which allegedly knocked off her rear view mirror, which allegedly rendered Elsie unable to do any hiking.

I need photo evidence of Elsie's alleged accident. And an explanation as to why Elsie Hotpepper requires a rear view mirror in order to hike hills.

Despite being 100 degrees the Tandy Hills felt less HOT than it did 2 days ago when it was only 94. This was because the day after day HIGH HEAT has caused the humidity to drop. Which creates a more desert-like environment which is much more pleasant than the hot wet blanket affect caused by high humidity.

This fact is born out by the current temperature reading of 102 at 5:36 pm. With humidity at only 20% the real feel Heat Index is the same as the real temperature.

Tomorrow, Friday, we are currently scheduled for a real temperature of 103, with a real feel Heat Index of 108. Is high humidity returning? Blowing in from the Gulf?

Well, enough of the weather in Texas for now. I must go talk to Carlotta Camano about her flipping out issues.

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