Sunday, June 26, 2011

Using Face Recognition Software With Honey Lulu To Identify Strangers In Washington

I was looking at the picture you are looking at, which was taken some time yesterday, at a ranch in the Skagit Valley of Washington, when I flipped open my phone for the first time today and saw several missed calls.

One of the calls was from Honey Lulu, last night at 8:35.

I was staring at the picture trying to figure out who these strangers were, thinking I'd call Honey Lulu back as soon as I blogged about Fort Worth's swimming pool woes, when the phone lit up with an incoming call from Honey Lulu.

Both Honey Lulu and I had the aforementioned picture on our screen. We then tried to figure out who these people were. We think we correctly identified all but one or two or three.

In another 20 years correctly identifying all but one or two or three will likely be more difficult than it was today.

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