Monday, June 27, 2011

I Am Up Early In Texas Thinking Old People Should Moisturize & Stay Out Of The Heat

As you can see looking through the bars of my patio prison cell at the swimming pool below I am up before the sun on this last Monday of June of 2011.

I woke up in the middle of the night with a strange pain across my chest zone. I lay there wondering if this is what a heart attack feels like. And then the pain went away and remains away.

Speaking of being old enough to have a heart attack, I just looked at 37 photos of old people. As I was looking at the photos I thought to myself that some people really need to learn to use a moisturizing lotion.

Speaking of moisturizing, I think I'll go get wet in the pool now, but before I do that I must mention that tomorrow we are currently scheduled to have a HEAT INDEX of 111. That is HOT.

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