Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Up After The Sun Thinking About Basketball Fanatics, Republicans & Bachelorettes

I am up after the sun, looking out my bedroom window at water colored turquoise. I do not think I will go swimming in the turquoise colored water this morning.

I am trying to break free of being a creature of habit.

I admit that, beyond knowing the Dallas Mavericks were playing in the final round of the NBA championship, I really paid no attention.

So, I did not realize til this morning that the final game was played in Miami's American Airline Center, not the Dallas American Airline Center.

I had seen the news footage of the huge crowd going nuts in downtown Dallas outside the American Airline Center and wrongly concluded this is where the game was played. Why was there such a large crowd in downtown Dallas during the final basketball game if it was not being played in downtown Dallas? Was the game being shown on big screen TVs?

Sports fanatics perplex me.

But not nearly as much as Republicans. I watched last night's Presidential Debate on CNN til it wore on my last nerve. So I switched to watching The Bachelorette til it wore on my last nerve.

And on a HOT temperature note. Yesterday the official temperature measuring station at D/FW Airport made it official. Yesterday was our first 100 degree day of the year.

We are currently scheduled to only get to 99 today. Brrrr.


  1. I am not a sports fan as you may have seen by some of my comments about football being the detriment to our educational system.
    However, they sold out American Airlines Center in Dallas with $5 tickets so people could watch the game on the big screen in the center.
    It's an adrenaline powered emotional thing. You get to sit with thousands of like minded folks yelling for the same thing.
    In our world of turmoil, war and stupid politics, sometimes it's nice to sit with 10 thousand people who are cheering for the same thing you are.

  2. Elsie Hotpepper told me about the $5 tickets too. I get the getting all happy cuz your local sports team wins something. I recollect getting all caught up during the Sonics various runs at the championship. Then they finally won the thing. I never got caught up in it again. Then a short time before moving to Texas the Seattle Mariners suddenly were doing real well, the whole PNW got caught up in it. You could not escape it. During some of the games thousands would gather outside the sold out Kingdome.

    But, I do not recollect tickets ever being sold to watch a game on TV screens inside the Kingdome or the Seattle Coliseum.

    But, now that you're making me think about this, Big TV screens weren't all that great 20 years ago.

  3. You need to have your last nerve fixed.

    I think our pal "Anonymous" over at the PCS blog has just the thing for you: Gloria Copeland's Healing School on July 9. Cheaper than "Going Over the Edge," too. Whaddaya think?

  4. Thanks for the last nerve fix, CatsPaw.

  5. Does Gloria Copeland give group discounts for her Healing School? Maybe an MHMR of Tarrant County group rate. If so, I need to go learn me some H-E-A-L-ing-a!!
