Tuesday, June 14, 2011

100 Degrees Again With A Feces Flag Stuck On The Tandy Hills

On the prairie on top of Mount Tandy, where there is currently a lot of Barnett Shale Seismic Testing cable laying on the ground, there is also a large number of orange flags, like the one in the picture, stuck in the ground.

But the one in the picture is not on top of Mount Tandy. I found it stuck in the ground, well, more precisely, stuck in some feces and then the ground, in a location deep in the heart of the Tandy Hills Natural Area.

I was on this exact trail yesterday and at that point in time there was no orange feces flag stuck in the ground.

Is this yet one more example of Tandy Hills Guerrilla Art? Like the Tandy Bamboo Teepee?

We have hit 100 again today, according to my computer temperature monitor.

I've been hearing from people up in Washington who seem to think I should be heading that way in a few days.

At this point in time, in the town I lived in before I moved to Texas, that being Mount Vernon, Washington, it is 57 degrees.

The last time I was in Washington was in 2008, from July 20 til August 20. I seldom stopped shivering. I guess this time I'd know to pack winter clothes, instead of having to go buy a jacket and long pants.

I must go install Miss Puerto Rico's new computer sound system this afternoon. Yesterday's attempt was aborted when I realized I did not have the power supply.

When it comes to high tech things I am very inept. But, I did finally figure out how to turn on my new TV.

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