Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Tripping Over Mount Tandy Seismic Testing Cable Whle Finding Fireworks On The Tandy Highway & Scoping Out A Location To Watch The Fort Worth Fireworks

Swimming this morning was the best in a long time. The air temperature and water temperature seemed a perfect match.

When the time came for my noontime salubrious aerobic stimulation I decided to do something different and drive to the top of Mount Tandy to do me some hiking in the Tandy Hills Natural Area Sanatorium.

The hills were exceptionally natural today.

Earlier today I blogged about the 4th of July and the various venues where one can view fireworks and get some 4th of July action in the D/FW Metroplex zone.

Stenotrophomonas then made an informative comment to that particular blogging, commenting...

"A popular place to watch the downtown fireworks is the slope of Mt Tandy, near the lower traffic barrier. I wonder if Dawson will clean up their trash this week If not, will it be trampled by the crowds, or trip them up in the dark. Or maybe someone will steal the cables and equipment, just like the person last year in need of golf balls."

The cables to which Mr. Stenotrophomonas refers are the seismic testing cables strewn along the trail that leads from the top of Mount Tandy. If you look close you can see the yellow cable posing the tripping threat in the picture above.

Anyone injured by tripping over a seismic testing cable left carelessly on the ground, please remember that that Barnett Shale Natural Gas Drillers have deep pockets. Lawyers love targets with deep pockets.

Below is the Fort Worth Fireworks viewing zone to which Stenotrophomonas refers. You can see the stunning skyline of beautiful downtown Fort Worth in the distance.

I can see why viewing the Fort Worth Fireworks from this location might be fun. I may do just that in a few days.

Speaking of fireworks, check out the photo below.

In the aforementioned blogging about the 4th of July I opined about the dearth of local availability of personal fireworks of the firecracker/rocket sort, due to the lack of Indian Reservations anywhere nearby.

Today, I found the above "firework" laying on the ground on the Tandy Highway between the two creek crossings that the Fort Worth Water Boys messed up. This particular piece of ordnance had yet to be exploded, the fuse was waiting to be lit.

A couple years ago exploding fireworks set a section of the Tandy Hills on fire, doing what Mother Nature used to do via lightning strikes, clearing the prairie of intruders and pests. When the burned section on the Tandy Hills grew back, it did not seem like much of an improvement to me.

I wonder who is hiking to the core of the Tandy Hills armed with fireworks? And then littering the ground with them? I am almost absolutely 100% certain it is not Stenotrophomonas. And I know with 100% certain it is not me. I guess that leave Don Young as the chief suspect, til other possible culprits are identified.

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