Thursday, June 30, 2011

The Morning Of The Last Day Of June In Texas Is Chilled To 76 Degrees

You can not tell it by looking through the bars of my patio prison cell, at the blue oasis below, that the last day of June has dawned chillier than yesterday's dawn, with this morning chilled to a pleasant 76 degrees.

So, I temporarily have my windows open, with slightly cool, highly humid air circulating into my interior space.

June zipped by, seemingly even faster than the regular monthly slipping. The month started with me wondering if I would be heading north for a reunion. The month ended with me glad I did not do that.

This morning I am once more realizing I would not long survive being a customer service type person. It is so frustrating trying to nicely help someone when the someone does not have the slightest clue and continually wastes time with nonsensical stuff and does not do what you've clearly explained.

Okay, the above paragraph was totally cryptic. If it weren't cryptic it would expose the culprit.

Back to the less controversial weather/temperature topic. No thunderstorm materialized yesterday, despite the prediction of the possibility. Today we are scheduled to get to a real temperature of 102 with the humidity making it feel like it is 108. No thunderstorm in the forecast. So, we will likely get one.

Before it gets any hotter I think I'll go swimming in that blue oasis you see above.

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