Sunday, June 5, 2011

Tandy Falls Was Roaring Today While The Grass Whisperer Weeps

As you can see in the picture, Tandy Creek was roaring over Tandy Falls today.

Tandy Falls had returned to being a dry falls soon after the deluge of almost 2 weeks ago.

From forensic evidence, gathered at the scene, it appeared that a large volume of water had rushed down Tandy Creek. It was easy to see the muddy high water mark.

That this had been a large release of water was confirmed later on today's hike when I came to the point where I cross Tandy Creek over the washed out dirt bridge on the Tandy Highway.

I had to hop boulders to cross the dirt bridge due to the dirt being muddy due to the flood. The flood had to have occurred not long before my arrival, due to the level of wetness. Temperatures in the 90 to 100 range tend to have a rapid drying effect on anything wet.

We seem to leak a lot of water in these parts.

Ironically, on the way to the Tandy Hills, of late, I drive by a billboard that has the "Grass Whisperer" whispering that over watering your lawn may not only be wasting water, it may be killing your grass. Or something like that.

As long as I'm on the subject of water I'll stay there.

I had myself a good swim this morning. This is the last time you will be reading me saying that for awhile.

I knew something was not right with the way the water was circulating. This was confirmed later with the discovery that the pump is not producing sufficient pressure to force the water through the filter.

I have no clue what it will take to fix the swimming pool this time.


  1. WTF? Another water dept. project?

  2. I figured the flash flood must have been caused by a water main break that was quickly fixed. It was clear water, this time, unlike the sewer break of a month or so ago.
