Monday, June 6, 2011

I Am Not Swimming & Risking A Migraine Headache Today

No picture of the view through the bars of my patio prison cell this morning. I had no need to go out on the patio to retrieve my swimming suit because I won't be swimming this morning due to a major pool malfunction involving a big pump.

As you see via the 5-day forecast, it is going to be HOT in these parts. A functioning swimming pool is a good thing when it is HOT. It appears relief arrives on Thursday when we chill to 93.

Apparently today's weather will not impact the risk of a migraine. That's a relief.

What's become of the flooding Mississippi River? Ever since the horrible tornado destruction of Joplin, Missouri the flooding Mississippi seems to have disappeared from the news.

I guess I will go make breakfast now. A daily event that usually occurs after I go swimming.

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