Friday, June 10, 2011

I Am Not On The Trinity River Vision Boondoggle Payroll

I think that is J.D. Granger's wife talking to a camera with a lot of inner tubes floating in the Trinity River behind her.

At least that's what I was told when I asked who she was.

"JD's wife, Shanna," was the reply to my question.

I was on the pedestrian bridge over the Trinity, looking down on the scene of floaters and this interview below me.

There were a lot of Trinity River Vision Boondoggle people in blue "I DELIVER FOR THE RIVER" t-shirts standing around behind the cameraman.

When the TRVB people in blue saw me being a cameraman taking pictures and video of the cameraman, several of them looked at me with what Hawaiians call stink eye.

I was in disguise. There's no way they could have suspected I was that guy who is not a big Trinity River Vision Boondoggle supporter. I doubt any of them would even know I am not a big TRVB supporter. I only have a couple of people who read my blog.

One of the few people who read my blog read this morning's blogging about last night's Rockin' the River party and said, "Me thinks they have added you to the payroll?"

How rude.

I'm an honest guy. I described what I saw last night the way I saw it. I did not see a lot to criticize or make fun of. Except for the idea of getting in that murky, green river.

Yes, I did wonder how much this "free" event cost.

How much did each of those 600 inner tubes cost? They were big tubes. Then there was the old yellow school bus that served as a shuttle taking lazy people, and their coolers, the short distance from the parking lot to the float zone.

I thought Rockin' the River looked like fun.

Except for being in that river.

I'm thinking of going to the next Rockin' of the River with my kayak and float among the floaters. But staying dry whilst doing so.


  1. Doesn't look like Ms. Shanna got in the water. Wonder if JD did? You'd think they would have set a good example and been the first ones to take the plunge.

  2. I did not see JD in the water. I suspect he and Shanna likely showed up, dry, at the Shiner After Party.

  3. U sure that's shanna? The news said it was someone named Shelby Lyon.

  4. If you consider the Trinity to be nasty (a not unfair designation, if one is used to being much closer to a waterway's source), you definitely would want to avoid the Rio Grande--the river "Too thin to plow and too thick to drink"

  5. I have no way of knowing for certain, but I've been told that JD is not married, but he does have a girl friend named Shanna who works under him on the Trinity River Vision Project.

  6. That does look like Shanna Lyon whose daddy I.M. Lyon worked a long time as an eminent domain lawyer with Dewey, Cheatem, and Howe.

    J.D. has a J.D.(law degree) but it appears that with Big Mama's help, he won't have to "practice law" since he won't need to "do law" after all. Party planning and drankin' is Kay's boy's thang.

    That "working under " thing is too Bill Clinton-ish for comfort. J.D. is not a Weiner, though.

  7. I'm visting TX just after July 4th and looking at floating down the Guadalupe for a couple hours one day. One outfit's lost/stolen charge is $25.00 to replace the intertube. Based on that about $15,000 for 600, but they probably got a deal for a big order.

  8. Sarah R, thanks for the tube cost info. And why in the world would you go tubing in the Guadalupe when the Trinity River is the new hot tubing spot in Texas?

  9. LOL. It's closer to San Antonio where my mom lives. But I have been wanting find out if there are any alligator gars in the Guadalupe. I like nature, but I don't think I would like those up close.

  10. I think all the people floating in the Guadalupe River have likely scared off all the alligator gar and water moccasins.
