Friday, June 10, 2011

The Arrival Of Barnett Shale Seismic Testing In The Mount Tandy Neighorhood

It was a degree or two under 90 when I hit the Tandy Hills today around noon. A good, strong wind was blowing. I did not overheat.

In the picture I am standing on top of what I call Big Lizard Ridge, looking east at the top of Mount Tandy, also known as Broadcast Hill.

That is the Tandy Tower on the left, also known as the Fort Worth Space Needle.

I am parked between the Fort Worth Space Needle and the shorter needle to its right.

Broadcast Hill is so called because it is the location of the D/FW zone's NBC broadcast studio. It was recently made known that the D/FW zone's NBC broadcast studio is leaving Broadcast Hill and moving to a more central location.

A couple days ago Barnett Shale seismic testing wires have appeared all over my neighborhood.

Today I was surprised to see Barnett Shale seismic testing wires strung all over the Broadcast Hill neighborhood.

I believe Chesapeake Energy owns the land between the NBC broadcast studio and the Tandy Hills Natural Area.

Is the real reason NBC is leaving Broadcast Hill because Chesapeake Energy is planning to put up a drilling tower by all the other towers on Broadcast Hill?

I can pretty much guarantee that if Chesapeake Energy tries to do such a thing there will be some loud broadcasting of a different sort from Broadcast Hill.


  1. This whole deal smells. The station has not really explained why, all of sudden, they want to move. The city is taking ownership of their land in exchange for a 10-year 85% tax exemption on their new building. What does the city want to do with the Broadcast Hill land? Something tells me gas drilling revenue/permit approval is the reason.

  2. What a sad thing it is to live and raise children in a city where the political and civic leadership has lost so much credibility that we the people naturally question whether any of the decisions made even factored in "the common good". This observation grew out of the fact that these so called public servants seemed to factor in their public policies and decisions, "what can I or my buddies benefit off of this?"--the opposite of true public service for "the common good".

  3. I thought Don Young wasn't going to allow natural gas drilling anywhere close to the THNA. What gives? Is DY still living here or has he moved to the Marfa, Texas area?
