Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Worst Storm Of The Year In My Zone Of Texas Knocks Out My Power For Hours

It is difficult to catch a lightning bolt on a digital camera.

But, I caught one today.

And what a day it has been.

Not too long ago I was lamenting the fact that we had not had a good storm in my zone of North Texas this spring.

 I lament no longer.

Today I was up in Hurst in the noon time frame. I got back to my zone with about a half hour to go til 2.

Around 2, I was happily consuming lunch, when suddenly gusts of wind began wreaking havoc. My patio furniture was blown asunder.

And then the lights went out.

And stayed out for several hours. Longest power outage I have yet experienced.

I had all sorts of things I wanted to do. That required power.

I figured the power would soon be back on, so I went over to Miss Puerto Rico's to take pictures and video of the storm, thinking the power would quickly be back on and I could blog a YouTube video of the storm.

Hours later, with the power back on, I really am in no mood to make a YouTube video.

This multi-hour T-storm has finally ended. I hope.

When I left Miss Puerto Rico's I drove to Krogers to get this week's FW Weekly. I pulled into a parking spot and when I exited my vehicle I was surprised to see the sight you see in the picture.

Had this car been struck by lightning? I have no idea. All I know for sure was Krogers was closed due to not having power. And so I am currently FW Weekly free.

And my power is back on, making me feel empowered, because I am.


  1. Hmm, that explains all the standing water on the bike ride home!

  2. Thanks for keeping us Fort Worth expats informed about Cowtown you empowered person you.
