Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Video Of Last Night's Fort Worth Fireballs

I mentioned earlier today that last night, apparently, Fort Worth was bombed by fireballs.

A lot of people called 911 to report incoming fireballs resulting in explosive booms upon hitting the ground.

An hour or two after I read about last night's fireballs I got email from an eye witness to last night's celestial event.

That eye witness described the fireballs as looking like successive explosions on the ground, as if a natural gas pipeline was exploding.

Someone, somewhere in Fort Worth managed to capture last night's explosive phenomenon in digital form, rendered in YouTube format, for your viewing pleasure...

1 comment:

  1. Wow ... I don't think the description of "fireballs" really captured that event. Wow.

    You may arleady know this ... the guy that shot it posts to and lives downtown in The Tower. In poking around over there last night, I found a thread that referenced this blog ... the story you did with creative Photoshop'ing about that hideous Fort Worth entry monument that was proposed to desecrate the Tandy Hills.
