Thursday, May 12, 2011

Who Am I Really Voting For For Mayor Of Fort Worth?

I never got around to doing the early voting thing. Which means I'll be going to the East Regional Library on Saturday to do my voting duty.

Eunice Lovers sent me the Betsy Price poster showing Betsy being a puppet of Congresswoman Kay Granger.

The only candidate I've totally ruled out voting for, for mayor of Fort Worth, is Betsy Price, she being the pick of the Fort Worth Ruling Oligarchy.

Jim Lane also is a tool (and member) of the Fort Worth Ruling Oligarchy, but, even so, I am really attracted to Jim Lane's goofiness.

If the Fort Worth Way prevails it will be the FWRO's pick, Betsy Price, who will replace the corrupt Moncrief Regime. With Jim Lane maybe having a slight chance. Sort of like a snowball in hell.

Then again, there is an awful lot of noise in support of Cathy Hirt. It would be a stunning victory should Cathy Hirt win. A virtual revolt against the Fort Worth Way and the FWRO. Not to mention the TRVB.

Now that I am typing it out, I can clearly see that Cathy Hirt is who I must vote for.

Betsy Price is just too dumb to be mayor. This may be why the FWRO picked her. The woman is so dense she actually admitted, at a candidate forum, that she is running because FWRO member, Kay Granger, asked her too. She shouldn't say that with her out loud voice.

One of my favorite Fort Worthers, Don Woodard, sent in a very good letter to the editor of the Star-Telegram on the subject of Betsy Price, Cathy Hirt, the mayoral election and the ruling oligarchy.

Below is Mr. Woodard's letter....

Horse Feathers

We hold this truth to be self-evident. Fort Worth is ruled by a big-money oligarchy. Nothing of consequence can be done without their say-so.

The oligarchy tells you to vote for Betsy Price because she would make independent decisions. Horse feathers. At a recent candidate forum I asked Betsy why she would leave a $140,000 life time job for a two year $30,000 job. Her response: "Because Kay Granger asked me to." Independent decisions? Like a puppet on a string.

Long before Mike Moncrief announced he would not run again, Cathy Hirt wrote her declaration of independence. Likewise, we the taxpayers of Fort Worth declare that we are, and of right, ought to be, free and independent voters, and are absolved from all allegiance to the oligarchy. With our John Hancock, we the people will elect a truly independent voice -- Cathy Hirt -- as our mayor.

-- Don Woodard Sr., Fort Worth


  1. Woodard is still upset that he ran for mayor and nobody paid him any attention. I consider him a political gadfly and maybe even a court jester of sorts who, after his ranting has ceased, wants those same powerful people to buy insurance from him. And there is nothing wrong with that.

  2. Great photo!
    It's apparent Anon doesn't know anything about Woodard...if running for Mayor is all they know about his 50+ years of being involved in FW politics, we're glad they arent running for office...or are they?
