Thursday, May 12, 2011

Is Your Sex Life As Dead As Osama Bin Laden?

I am a fan of tacky ads. Well, maybe not a fan. But I do notice them. And often find them amusing.


I did not really find the tacky ad I found in the latest issue of Fort Worth Weekly to be all that amusing.

Somehow using the death of Bin Laden to sell condoms is really weird.

And asking if ones sex life is as dead as Bin Laden is really tacky.

But, the tackiest part of this ad is showing the body of Bin Laden, buried at sea, still floating, with a U.S. aircraft carrier in the background.

Does this Condom Sense store sell something other than condoms? How do condoms keep ones sex life alive? I can see how something like Viagra might help keep ones sex life alive. Or a testosterone boost. But condoms? If anything they are a bit of a downer.

This ad might have Al-Qaeda adding Condom Sense to their ever expanding jihad list.

1 comment:

  1. I'm not sure tacky even covers that. Just like everyone's a designer now, everyone (thinks) they're a marketer. Somebody thought they were very clever. Somebody's "big brain" could use a plastic covering.
