Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Walking Through The Field Of Color On Top Of Fort Worth's Mount Tandy Along With Prickly Pear Cactus

You can intuit two things from the picture. One is that Tuesday, in my zone of Texas, is a bit gray with a cloudy overcast.

But, under that cover of gray, today, the top of Mount Tandy was being very colorful. Recent rain, sunny days and warm temps have conspired to make it necessary to navigate a sea of color whilst crossing the top of Mount Tandy.

Even though I had myself a night of insomnia, last night, I was up early, in the pool, soon after the arrival of the sun.

This morning I got a very mysterious cryptic message asking me what I thought about doing a newscast. Me doing a newscast? Casting what news? Am I a newscaster and did not know it?

Last week I talked on the phone with Betty Jo Bouvier and Carlotta Camano for the first time in years. Why does it so often seem that when I talk to someone on the phone I never hear from them again? Maybe I need to call myself and see if I can figure out what I do that causes people to disappear.

On a lighter note, I heard from Gar the Texan today, via email, for the first time in a long time. I have Gar the Texan's phone number. I should call him and see if I ever hear from him again.

I forgot to mention, the prickly pear cactus on the Tandy Hills were in full yellow bloom mode today. Soon I will be able to pick prickly pears and make my annual batch of prickly pear jam.

Or not.

UPDATE: Soon after I mentioned that I'd not heard from Betty Jo Bouvier ever since I talked to her on the phone, she called me. But the prefix was alien to me, so I let it go to Voice Mail. Usually the unknown pre-fixes want to give me a free trip or get me to subscribe to a newspaper. Why is Betty Jo calling from the 181 Area Code? I must look it up and see where Betty Jo is. Yikes! 181 is a country code. Betty Jo is in India.

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