Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Up Early After A Long Texas Night Thinking About Mississipi Floods, Arnold & Maria's Marriage Woes And Getting Stuck In A Trunk And Shoved Off A Pier

Looking through the bars of my patio prison cell it appears I am basking in a serene shade of blue this second Tuesday of May, already almost one third through the month, on a fast track to the 4th of July.

Each morning's Mississippi River flood news is worrisome. A few weeks ago we had the worst tornado outbreak since some time in the 1920s. And now the Mississippi is flooding at its highest level since some time in the 1920s.

My one and only time in Galveston I was told the water was usually not so murky, but was being muddy due to the Mississippi River being in high discharge mode.

In other discharge news, Maria Shriver and Arnold Schwarzenegger have separated. I suspect, after he ceased being governor of California, Arnold was spending too much time at home getting on Maria's nerves.

In a total change of subject from flooding rivers and marital woes, last night I had my first bout of insomnia in awhile. I did not manage to fall asleep til well after midnight. Eventually I did slip into peaceful slumber mode, complete with cinematic nightmares.

Last night I think I may have been overstimulated by watching CSI: Miami on demand. I think it was the season ender. Horatio was badly wounded by a gun shot, and then watched one of his CSIers, the cute brunette (I can never remember names) get shoved in a trunk, with the car then rolled off a Miami pier, with the CSIer in the trunk feverishly trying to get cell service.

I have a great fear of being shoved in a trunk and rolled off a pier, so no wonder I had myself an insomnia bout.

I guess I will go for my morning swim now and see if I can cool down from my current super-heated state of being.

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