Sunday, May 1, 2011

A Rainy May Day In North Texas Thinking About Spaghetti, Shrimp, Superman & Being A Communist

The first Sunday of May is also the first day of May, also known as May Day, a major holiday for me back when I used to be a communist.

Speaking of politics. Yesterday I was shocked to learn that Superman is threatening to speak to the United Nations Assembly to inform the world that he is renouncing his American citizen ship due to issues with the current American president.

What in the world did Mr. Obama due to so greatly annoy Superman?

Switching the subject abruptly from Superman, last night, around 4 in the morning I started seeing flashes of light and the distant sound of thunder. The storm remained distant.

Today is supposed to be stormy, with rain throughout the day, with possible t-storms and the temperature dropping to a low of 43 tonight, with the next couple days being rather cold, as in the high for Monday is scheduled to be 51, with the low only 9 degrees above freezing.

Currently it appears I will be swimming in the rain if I decide to get in the pool this morning, which I likely will.

I do not foresee any Tandy Hills hiking in my future for the first day of May.

I do foresee a lunch of spaghetti and shrimp. With a mango.


  1. I thought Superman was the ORIGINAL illegal alien. In more ways than almost anybody else. I don't think the Kents actually ever formally adopted him and I don't recall him ever getting naturalized. Besides, what would the immigration quota have been from Krypton anyway?

  2. It would not surprise me if you actually were a communist, Boris Jones.
